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Filmmotif is a Film and Video Production & Editing Service
Helping Content Creators Get the Best Out of Their Videos

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Creative Solutions for
 Your Video Production

Our video production and editing service helps content creators with developing, planning, filming and editing their video projects. We can assist you in producing powerful content that audiences connect with and are inspired by. Our bespoke team of professionals is ready to serve you every stage of content creation providing our services tailored to your project’s needs.
Since, it is easier to remember an impression about something than the actual experience one had, it is very important to know when creating content how to produce material that resonates with others. That is why we aim to understand our clients and their intentions and motivations behind their videos, so that we may shape the content in a way that brings out the heart of their message. 
So, if you want to create video content with a lasting impression please feel free to get in touch. We offer a free creative consultation for every online customer interested in working with us.

Our Services

Film & Video Editing

Contracted to edit social media videos reaching 7K to 1.8 million views on 18% of all videos edited for facebook. Created showreels, montages, corporate and music videos. Edited experimental films and fiction shorts.

Film & Video Production

Executing film and video project from start to finish: organising film shoots, recording live events, documentaries and fiction shorts, carrying out the post-production of all of the above.

Film Directing

Directing narrative and non-fiction films and videos mostly working on experimental and fiction shorts, music videos and documentaries. Dramadies have been our forte.

Project Development

Developing and writing documentaries, narrative and animation shorts and treatments for feature films.

Some of
Our Portfolio

Some of
Our Social Media Portfolio

About the Founder
Andi Sinkovics

Why Filmmotif?

I created Filmmotif film and video production & editing services in 2020 to help content creators produce content with a lasting impact, as I’d like to share my filmmaking knowledge with those who give value to their audience.


The reason why this is so important for me is because I understand that communicating what one really means can be very difficult sometimes. This is something that I have experienced myself in my younger years. That is why I want to help people learn to communicate with others in the most powerful way, with the help of video. A visual language easily understood by everyone.


The reason why I am the person to help others in this is, apart from my filmmaking skills, my own personal history. Since, besides having a formal education in film, I had a lot of powerful and humbling life experiences. These provided me with a source of creativity and a good understanding of what moves people, which allow me to produce content that can resonate with audiences on a deeper level.

Where I come from

I am a European filmmaker with Hungarian origins born in Northern Serbia. I received my education in London. First I attended the University of East London’s Media, Film and Culture Studies course. From this university I received a BA honours degree in Media and Creative Industries in 2008. 


After that I joined the London Film School (LFS). Here I directed three fiction short films. One of these, a comedy titled Kyoto Rain was screened at Palm Beach and Arizona Film Festivals in 2013. Meanwhile, I also produced a few other shorts including a documentary. For the latter I was co-director as well. This film also screened at film festivals. In 2014 I graduated from LFS when I completed my graduation film titled A Lovely Life. Later on I have written a treatment for a feature film based on my graduation short.


However, I have been making films since 2009. First I started as Producer’s Assistant and later worked as Head of Development for a production company. After graduating from LFS I continued working in film as a freelance producer, videographer and video editor. I have been commissioned to record and edit event videos and promotional films by estate agency, charity and a variety independent commissioners. 


Altogether I participated in the making of a fair number of short fiction films, corporate videos and documentaries. Most recently, as part of Filmmotif, I produced my first animation short, a funny story about how a Hungarian scientist discovered Vitamin-C. (Later on he won the Nobel prize for it.) Currently I’m developing a series out of this animation.

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